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Medical Malpractice Insurance Policy

The second you decide to become a healthcare professional, whether a doctor, surgeon, nurse, radiologist, or therapist, you know you have a big responsibility to other people’s health and lives. This exposes you to lawsuits. Even if you do your work with the utmost care and the knowledge that you have gained, some things are simply out of your hands. Your will always be responsible when it comes to the life of a child, an elderly person, or adult. It would be very unfortunate for you to experience a lawsuit for complications in a surgical intervention, prescription administration, or any other task in your work environment. That’s why you must have Medical Malpractice insurance, in order to cover expenses for lawsuits.


This insurance covers damages from actions, errors, or omissions in the performance of your profession, and legal defense in case of lawsuits. In this case, policies vary according to specialty.

  • Claims Made - protects you from damages caused by a medical incident that happened on or after the date of the policy’s retroactivity.
  • Tail Coverage - has the effect of indefinitely extending the period to report claims, subject to terms, conditions, and exclusions within the policy.

Types of policies:

  • Medical Malpractice - coverage for doctors, surgeons, and dentists.
  • Hospital Professional Liability - coverage for hospitals, hospices, and others.
  • Laboratories - coverage for clinical laboratories and x-rays.
  • Miscellaneous - coverage for audiologists, optometrists, registered nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, speech pathologists, and nutritionists, among others.

Limits Available

  • Miscellaneous
    $25,000 / $75,000 Added
  • Doctors, hospitals, and laboratories
    $100,000 / $300,000
    $250,000 / $500,000
    $500,000 / $1,000,000
    $1,000,000 / $3,000,000


  • Doctors, surgeons, and miscellaneous risks
    Application - License - Experience
  • Laboratories
    Application - Financial Statement - License - Experience
  • Hospitals and others
    Application - Financial Statement - Experience


For physicians, registered nurses, therapists, and laboratory owners.

The information described here is a brief summary of the policy. To obtain the complete information and details about the terms and conditions, limitations, exclusions and coverages you should read the Terms and Conditions document of your policy, or check with your insurance representative or broker.

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