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Our main office location:

Physical address:

Edificio Triple-S Plaza. Ave. F.D. Roosevelt #1510 San Juan, PR

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PO Box 70313
San Juan, PR 00936-8313

Triple S Propiedad
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Loss Control

Losses are a part of life. You might not like them – although, no one really likes them- but it’s something with which you have to deal. Every day someone in the world experiences a loss, whether material, physical, or emotional, but it’s easier or perhaps less difficult to deal , with, when you have the support of resourceful people or insurance companies like Triple-S Propiedad, to help you reduce the frequency and severity of your losses. With the loss control service, you are assisted in:

Identifying and assessing risks:

  • physically inspect your home or business, identify areas with potential loss risks from fire, natural disasters, burglary, theft and accidents (falls). When and where required, we make recommendations to prevent, reduce, and control loss risk or exposure.
  • Trainings, seminars and lectures on: natural disasters, fire prevention, defensive driving, and accident prevention.
  • Consultations for the design, implementation, and monitoring of security programs.

Loss Analysis:

  • We review previous loss events, in order to identify trends and opportunities for improvement in prevention.


We have specialized professionals in the field of loss control, ready to guide you and help you reduce the possibilities of losses in your home and business.

The information described here is a brief summary of the policy. To obtain the complete information and details about the terms and conditions, limitations, exclusions and coverages you should read the Terms and Conditions document of your policy, or check with your insurance representative or broker.

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