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The Insurance Consumer’s Bill of Rights

The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, in compliance with its legal duty to protect consumers, and as provided in Act No4-2020, hereby promulgates the “Insurance Consumer’s Bill of Rights.” This Bill of Rights states the principal rights provided by the Insurance Code of Puerto Rico and its Regulations that consumers have with regard to transactions related to insurance policies, so that consumers may become aware of these rights and be well-informed in this regard. We advise you that these are not all your rights, and we urge you to find orientation on other rights that you may have.
  1. The right to choose the insurer and insurance intermediary of the consumer’s preference.
  2. The right to oral and written disclosure of the extension of credit by a financial institution, granting of such credit is not on condition of the purchase of insurance, or that insurance be acquired from institutions affiliated to the financial institution.
  3. The right to demand that an insurance intermediary show his or her license.
  4. The right to have all producers or authorized representatives identify and measure the risks to which the insured is exposed, so that they provide the insurance product that fits the needs for coverage of the insured.
  5. The right to have the person that is processing the policy provide clear and full orientation on the coverage, benefits, limits, and exclusions of the policy, as well as the duties and obligations of the insured.
  6. The right to have individual policies be written in the language chosen between English and Spanish.
  7. The right to obtain a copy of your policies.
  8. The right to have the insurer acknowledge the receipt of a claim within fifteen (15) days of being notified.
  9. The right to have the insurer act in good faith, fairly, and equitably in evaluating and resolving claims
  10. The right to have the insurer send an itemized offer for evaluation before receiving a check that you have not accepted, or concurrently with the check, and it shall not be deemed that the mere receipt of the check implies a waiver of all your claims
  11. The right to have the adjuster include in the adjustment the reasons for which certain items of the claim were denied
  12. The right to receive from the insurer up to three (3) alternative dates for inspection, by written notice to a physical and/or email address stated in the policy and the claim notification sheet, if such as not been possible to coordinate by telephone, before the insurer’s claim can be closed
  13. The right to request and receive an appointment to address your request for reconsideration
  14. The right to have your claim resolved in a reasonable period of time within the first ninety (90) days of receiving the claim
  15. The right to request reconsideration of an insurer’s determination regarding your claim and that such be addressed and resolved within thirty (30) days of submitting the request
  16. The right to make a request for an investigation by the Commissioner of Insurance.
  17. All Producers and Authorized Representatives shall have the obligation to deliver a copy of the Consumer Rights set forth in this Bill to the insured when processing an insurance policy and when the insured submits a claim.
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